
Teacher Training: Why NISHTHA is a Game-changer for India?

Published on: January 19, 2024

With a whopping 1.3 billion people, India brims with potential, especially when it comes to education. It boasts of an enormous education system, with 1.5 million schools and 8 million teachers – that's a lot! But, here's the thing – even with so many schools and teachers, there's a problem with the quality of education, and especially quality teacher training.  

There's a pressing need for skilled teachers. There aren't enough teachers who are trained and qualified. And even when there are teachers, not all of them have the right training and support in some schools. 

Thankfully, there's a bright side! Lately, there's a growing push to enhance teacher training to uplift India's education standards. And that’s where Indian’s government initiative for Teacher Training-NISHTHA steps in.

What is NISHTHA- the largest Teacher Training Program?

NISHTHA (National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement) is a powerhouse initiative that is all about giving teachers a boost through integrated teacher training.  It's the world's most extensive program of its kind! 

Rolled out under the centrally sponsored scheme of Samagra Shiksha in 2019-20, NISHTHA is all about empowering our educators. Objective? Simple yet profound: Fuel teachers with the tools to ignite critical thinking in students. Plus, it's a win-win as teacher training becomes more contextual, teachers gain fresh insights, sharpen skills, and blossom in various dimensions.

Why is Teacher Training with NISHTHA a game changer?

NISHTHA, initiated by the Ministry of Education (MoEd), stands as the world's most extensive teacher training project. Its primary goal is to enhance the skills of approximately 42 lakh participants, including all teachers and school leaders in elementary-level Government schools. This initiative also encompasses faculty members from State Councils of Educational Research and Training (SCERTs) and District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs).

Teachers participating in NISHTHA will undergo training to enhance their skills and awareness in various crucial aspects of education. This will include

1. Learning Outcomes: Focus on understanding what students gain from the educational process, ensuring effective knowledge transfer. 

2. Competency-Based Learning and Testing: Emphasize skills and practical knowledge, assessing students based on their abilities rather than traditional testing methods.

3. Learner-Centered Pedagogy: Tailor teaching methods to the individual needs and interests of students, fostering a more engaging and effective learning experience.

4. ICT in Teaching-Learning: Integrate technology, including AI, IFT Panels, into the teaching process to enhance educational methods and outcomes.

How will NISHTHA be implemented?

The teacher training process will involve 33,120 Key Resource Persons (KRPs) and State Resource Persons (SRP) directly conducting training, identified by the State and UTs. These trainers will, in turn, receive training from 120 National Resource Persons selected from institutions like NCERT and NIEPA.

Key features of the program will include activity-based modules with a built-in continuous feedback system, online monitoring, and support mechanisms. There will also be a pre and post-training analysis to assess training needs and impacts.

To enhance accessibility, NCERT has developed a Mobile App and Learning Management System (LMS) based on MOODLE. This LMS handles tasks such as Resource Person and Teacher registration, resource dissemination, training gap and impact analysis, online monitoring, mentoring, and progress measurement.


India has a longstanding reputation for excellence in education and teacher training. Over thousands of years, Indian educators were regarded as global leaders, known as vishwa gurus.

In the context of the envisioned Amrit Kaal, technology will play a crucial role, and NEP aligned programs like NISHTHA with modern instruments like IFT Panels will enhance the standards of teacher training in this modern reality. This progressive approach seeks to empower educators with the necessary skills to effectively engage tech-savvy students in an era where online education has become the norm.

Looking to make the most of India's next big leap in the education landscape? Partner with Schoolnet to realize unbridled potential where your schools, teachers, and students grow limitlessly. 

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